I just sent an invitation to every true Patriot I know...across the country...even the ones who voted for sleepy Joe... and will wake up and realize the mistake they’ve made...it’s time to regroup and grow a new party in this country...one that has the balls to stand up for our Constitution just like Trump did! He didn’t have to do it either! It’s our turn to choose whether this nation stands for FREEDOM or just wants to lay on the couch and take whatever the governing rats will give them. Get Up And Organize! Or we will not ever have the chance again.

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So you are suggesting starting another party? There are already multiple other parties out there only one of which has been successful at getting candidates into the federal level government and that is the libertarians, and Ron Paul is the prime example. All other parties have failed. Trump chose Republican because being in one of the 2 primary parties is key to success. Just because there are some traitors in a party doesn't mean we need another party. It means we need to do better due diligence within or grow the other successful party, the libertarians. But starting yet another party will only create more competition which we don't need and will not be successful, instead we need to create more collaboration and become stronger within.

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I was energized to read this! ABSOLUTELY TRUE ..if we sit back and don't STAND UP AND...SPEAK UP we WILL be complicit in this travesty of corruption and power to crush our country and the Constitution!

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My husband and I support a Third Party, and hopefully one led by President Trump. We are now in the battle for our country. Communism is very close to taking away what we as Conservatives hold dear, our freedom. Unfortunately, being in California, there's no hope for the success of a Third Party, but we will support any Red State that is able to get such a Party off the ground.

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Hey American. Let's talk about freedom. I'm curious what you think about policies (regulations) which mandate weeks of paid vacation and a year of paid maternity leave....which most other rich nations have in place.

How would those policies increase or inhibit freedom?

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France would not have those social benefits if the mother ship wasn't funding its military...aka USA.

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Two points: 1. France spends fifty billion euros a year on their military.

2 The fact that the USA(kkk) has over 800 bases around the world and spends more on weaponry and murder than the top ten next highest military spending nations is one reason we are declining. Read Federalist #8...or is it #10? Damn, it's been a while. Madison himself wrote, "No nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." We aren't supposed to be an empire.

Again, the cognitive dissonance on the right is astounding. You claim to love the country and constitution but you fail to heed the advice of the intellectuals who founded the republik. I highly recommend you spend some time with Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Hamilton, Jefferson and Paine. Many of their statements will shock the modern conservative sensibility.

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Your comments are at odds with reality ... Trump worked harder than any president in modern history to disengage from foreign wars, discontinue support of US military bases in foreign countries (Germany, just as one recent example) Bureaucrats, career diplomats and Pentagon fat cats thwarted his attempts to disengage from Syria and Afghanistan - and then bragged about lying to him. He was against the Iraq war from the start. He worked to build back our military to a viable defense organization, not to meddle in foreign issues. He insisted that world orgs pay their own way - for NATO members to pay for their own defense, eg. He worked tirelessly to keep and move American dollars home. With a healthy economy, the government has more money for social improvements; with a healthy economy people are working for themselves, not the government.

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As for moving dollars back here our trade deficit with China increased over the last 4 years.

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So much of your post is simply not accurate. Deaths from drone strikes in Afghanistan rose 300% under Trump and he called for, and received, record increases in military spending.

The notion of trump as somehow anti war is not substantiated by the facts. And he was NOT against the Iraq War from the start. But he did know it was unpopular and capitalized politically from that stance.

Show me footage of Trump being anti war in 2002 and 2003 when the propaganda battle to invade Iraq was being waged. You won't be able to.

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Particularly in regards to matters of empire and militarism.

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War has been a way for politicians to generate money forever. I don’t condone war, unless there’s a damn good reason. Definition of damn good reason....attempts to undermine our Constitution for one. This Nation is only an experiment set forth by the founding fathers. Leave the “GIVEN” alone. When you add to it, the experiment gets tainted.

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Have you read the short essay "War is a Racket" by Smedley Butler, the most decorated officer in us history? You'd like it.

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Hey Adam....yes let’s do converse on the subject of maternity leave, I agree with a year of paid leave for mothers. I want to take the best of both worlds...Democratic and Republican ideas and make a new avenue for discussion. I am sure there’s a way to fund everyone’s preferences, as long as we pull back some of our world policing policies. And, yes, we do suck at organizing anything.... but if we don’t try....it won’t happen...let’s get a dialogue started on the subject of starting a new Patriot party.

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I don't agree with a year of paid maternity leave. This is economically not sustainable. And, if one group is given this benefit, then other groups will want a similar benefit. Having a child is a very personal decision and the financial responsibility belongs to the parent (s) not the employer.

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There is a movement on the left for a people's party. We are all tired of being governed by large corporations. I hope we can work together to help Americans on many issues. Thanks for the response.

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Bernie sold out. Not sure he would have won, but he certainly would have gotten more votes than Biden. And Kamala would sell her mother for power. Big government is just as corrupt as large corporations... some might argue they are one and the same. Sorry if my assumption that you're a Bernie fan is off target.

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I worked hard to get Bernie elected in 2016 and 2020. He ran a small donor funded campaign.

Money in politics is my only issue. If you take the corporate cash you are corrupt. Full stop.

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You can disengage now. The agitator isn't a US citizen as they pretend to be. State sponsored propagandist, it appears.

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please give more info about this agitator

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Thanks for the heads up Larsin

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It all sucks. Who do you think pays for employees leave? Not the taxpayer! It is the employer. You start requiring that kind of paid time off and small business will not be able to afford to start up. Keep the leave and payment to employees our of the government and you will then experience real freedom! Start looking at Ron Paul's ideas to capitalism.

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We need to get rid of McConnell and Romney as well

Scott Baio said he might move to Utah and challenge mittens

You should try to get him to do that

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Let't start the FUND to primary them IMMEDIATELY so everyone, including them know what we are going to do! New party!

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Yes, we need the MAGA's approx. 80,000,000 to leave the Republican party and join the new party " Patriot "Party! I love it. And be the Lions!

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I wish I could care about primaries, but the establishments of every party, agency, court, and military branch just allowed the theft of the office of President of the United States of America. They facilitated the illegitimate inauguration of a puppet to the highest office on the planet...

You'll have to forgive me it I don't put any stock in "elections."

We're way past elections solving our problems.

In case you haven't noticed, the Constitution is dead - I now consider myself a dissident in the occupied territory formally know as the U.S.A.

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I totally feel the same way..

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Conservatives suck at organizing. We need to start immediately while everyone is riled up. Bottom up. But joining a national group may be able to get local people to connect.

Communication methods will improve.

Please start a fund exclusively to target those who voted to impeach Trump immediately. Many people want to donate.

Rep Greene plans to introduce impeachment of Biden. At the very least it sets the tone.

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We need to all have a code say misspell certain know names. (Liberals) so that the algorithm might not pick it up as fast. eg. Bbbyoodeenn ect. but we would know.

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What about censorship, the media and purchasing of our election by big tech? That to me seems like the first pillar to climb, level the playing field so to speak. Have you seen how well equipped and organized antifa is ? Thanks to Soros..........

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Yes, Super organized like the military!

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Maybe we should buy Saul Alinsky book to understand what there next tactic is.

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We didn't study that in school.

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Maybe we could try communicating the old fashioned way...

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Mr. Liu TracFeb 14Liked by Dax

I am glad that you are doing this. If any Republicans can't be loyal to the Republicans ought to get out. The Republican Party needs as many Conservative Republicans as possible when the Democrats are the ruins of our once the greatest nation on earth. We the Republicans need to reclaim it's former glory and beyond as the newly re-elected President Trump says "let's make America great again."

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After what I saw today I recommend that everyone call the republican membership donor line at 877-3408969 and talk to a live person and tell them that no more donations will be going to the party especially because of the horrible betrayal of Mitch McConnell and all those republican senators that aren't going to the final Trump speech on Wednesday morning. Now that Mitch has come out in the open with Schumer for "conviction of Trump" Mitch needs to be banished from the party along with anyone else who would dare to do so in the senate! If there are 250000 members of this org and we each did that we would have an impact!

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The biggest issue is the voter fraud, though. Look what happened in Georgia with the senate seats (even though the two RINOS who lost are backstabbing traitors) they did the same thing in front of everyone with the vote counting shenanigans....and stole those seats as well. President Trump was clearly and rightfully re elected by this country and the left stole it away with their network of fraud and evil.

My main point - how will we ever 'win' anything again with fraudulent and corrupt elections? That's a huge problem that many are ignoring/choosing not to highlight or acknowledge. And that is everything

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MAGA Party

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Alert: the operation to squash protests in America, by Jon Rappoport



. . . imagine something like this: “The group called Citizens for a Free Nation, who showed up at the governors’ mansion last week to protest COVID safety measures, is largely composed of unhinged anti-vaxxers and Trump supporters, some of whom may have attended the January 6 rally at the Capitol, which resulted in an act of insurrection. Police and FBI are investigating . . .”

Behind it all? A determination to suppress resistance to the COVID lockdowns, aka mass imprisonments.

The Police State knows the months of lockdowns and economic destruction have driven more and more people to the wall. The US population is a dry tinder forest in a season of high heat and no rain.

Controlling the population is a major problem. So those who stand up and visibly break out of jail have to be made into despicable illustrations of Something Else.

What label is at hand? By mere coincidence: INSURRECTIONISTS, “who broke into the Capitol on January 6, the day that will live in infamy.”

That label can now be applied anywhere. It’s a major item on the game board of intelligence-agency operations. When dissenting heads pop up, paint them with it.

Nevertheless, protests are still legal and legitimate. People who run them need to articulate what they’re about, over and over, in very clear fashion. . . .

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Wow... Useless advice from a washed up actor. Bahahaha

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Shut the FUCK you you Left Wing fucking fools - - gut you like deer baby ! ! !

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The RINOs aren't sellouts. They are Democrats who have stolen Republican seats through deception. They helped destroy our voting system. They "win" like their evil soul brother. Biden.

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