Make Elections Great Again - Make America Great Again - 12/12/2020 Washington DC
Make Elections Great Again - Make America Great Again - 12/12/2020 Washington DC
Calling ALL patriots:
Your presence is requested in Washington DC on December 12th at Freedom Plaza at high noon. We as Americans must rise up in overwhelming numbers to save our Constitution and save our Republic.
We cannot standby and let the election be stolen from President Trump by foreign enemies. This attempt to overthrow America must be thwarted and those who perpetrated it must be brought to swift justice.
If there is no election integrity, there is NO AMERICA. Let’s call it what is, an attempted coup against liberty, independence, and justice.
The media is attempting the greatest hoax ever and they are attempting to rule and control of us. That’s why we the people must take to the streets of the Capital in such massive numbers that we cannot be ignored.
How much is your freedom worth to you?

Please plan to join millions of us in Washington DC on December 12th!
Please use the hashtags #MEGAMAGARALLY and #1212DC to help us spread the word.
Please donate to Women for America First who have secured the permits and who will be providing sound, stage, security, porta potties, and a thousand other things that go into making the event on the 12th happen.
You can donate at THIS LINK
If you can’t come to DC please organize or join a local sign wave or rally. DON’T LET THEM IGNORE US. Get out and show the world that America isn’t some banana Republic. America can never be oppressed and we will never be ruled!
Starting on Sunday November 29th, Tyrant’s Curse is honored to join Women for America First, Mike Lindell and My Pillow, War Room with Stephen K Bannon, Right Side Broadcasting, and millions of Americans on a March for Trump leading in to the event in DC!
You can find schedule and details of our 16 state tour here:
Stay prepared and be vigilant.
Dustin Stockton - TCF001
Tyrant’s Curse Founder
Learn more about Tyrant’s Curse
Please donate using THIS LINK to support the MEGA MAGA RALLY #1212DC
Please donate using THIS LINK to help power the March for Trump Bus Tour.